Getting a DWI in Kansas City can be a scary turn of events. You are unsure what is going to happen next, and you don’t know how it will affect you now and long term. One of the ways that a drunk driving arrest can hurt you is by putting your current and future jobs opportunities at risk.
Can I Lose My Job If I Have A DWI Kansas City?

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Even if it is your first drunk driving offense, you can be severely impacted by losing your job. Many companies have policies in place that prohibit employees from having a DWI on their record, causing termination as a result.
Driving positions are most severely influenced as an employer may no longer want to insure you under their company vehicle policy as you are now considered high risk. They may assume you are a hazard to the company and not the reliable employee they initially hired.
Other employers may have a no tolerance policy in place and perform random inspections of your background. With at-will employment, an employer has the right to fire you for grounds it deems are not in line with its company policies.
Do I Have To Tell My Employer About My DWI In Kansas City?
If you are ordered into court treatment program, you may have to miss work to attend the required classes. This means you have to tell your employer the reason for your frequent absences, making it impossible to hide your drunk driving charges.
You may also face difficulty from losing your driver’s license from your DWI offense, requiring you to find alternate means to get to work. If public transportation is not available to you, you will find yourself in a real predicament. This could cause you to arrive late and get fired for your lack of reliability.
Will I Have Problems Getting A New Job If I Have A DWI In Kansas City?
While losing your job can be devastating because of a DWI in Kansas City, it can also affect you if you plan to look for a new position. The majority of companies conduct a criminal background check and are able to see your driving record, even if you will not be driving with them as a part of your job responsibilities.
These background checks provide companies an inside look into what type of person you are and how you conduct yourself outside of work. Even if it is an isolated incident, it can hurt your chances of securing a new job, especially in today’s job market.
Will I Find A Job With A Felony On My Record From A DWI In Kansas City?
If you have unfortunately received multiple drunk driving convictions, you may be in for some additional heartbreak. These felony charges can’t be expunged from your record, no matter how long ago they occurred, making it possible that you will live with these charges for the duration of your working life.
With a felony on your record, it can be challenging to gain meaningful employment as most employers look down on individuals that have such a conviction on their record even if it was for a DWI in Kansas City. Employers frown upon hiring convicted felons, and the jobs available to you will sudden diminish.
Can An Employer Ask Me About My DWI In Kansas City?
When your potential or current employer makes an inquiry into your criminal record, they are allowed to ask you the circumstances of the charge. While you can tell them as much or as little information as you want to, they can defer to their own conclusions in the matter. If your arrest didn’t result in a DWI conviction, your employer is typically not allowed to ask you about a charge that was dismissed. They must infer that you are innocent in the matter as a conviction was not sought and not exclude you from employment.
Can I Hide My DWI In Kansas City?
When you are looking for employment and a background check is performed it is a good idea to be honest and upfront about the incident. If it was your only DWI in Kansas City, you could easily explain that this was an isolated incident and not reflective of your true behavior.
Being dishonest about having a drunk driving charge as a part of your background can also be a detriment. Lying on job applications or misleading your interviewer can cause them to question if you are an honest person that can be trusted as an employee of their company. They may wonder what else you are dishonest about whether it be your qualifications or character.
If you have hidden your DWI in Kansas City from your employer by lying, you may find yourself without a job as this could be grounds for immediate termination if they were to find out about your charges.
When Should I Disclose My DWI In Kansas City?
Being upfront about your drunk driving offense in a job application will alert recruiters of your background and let them decide to interview you regardless of the charge. If you have disclosed your DWI and get called for an interview, there is no need to bring the offense up to the interviewee. Let them decide if it is a determining factor in your employment and if they need more details on the events of the drunk driving conviction.
If you find yourself in an interview where you are being questioned about your DWI past, take this opportunity to show the employer that you have learned from your mistakes and how you have progressed since then. Being able to display that you have changed since the incident and what you have learned as a result could work in your favor by letting the interviewer know that you have grown and are determined to succeed despite the setbacks you have faced.
When you are facing DWI charges, contact the attorneys at Cornerstone Law Firm. Our knowledgeable and experienced lawyers can help you through the legal process and provide you the information you need to understand how the offense will affect you. Contact us today!